
Every boy at Sunningdale gets the opportunity to perform. Being on stage in front of friends and family is so good for building confidence and boys relish the opportunity.

Drama is taught throughout the school. It is a wonderful chance to develop performance skills explore the boys’ creative side. We do a whole school production every March in which every boy has a role. We also produce other plays and performances throughout the year.

We  do an annual Declamation Prize for which every boy learns a poem and then two from each form are chosen to recite it in the final and read a short prose extract.

Boys have the option to take LAMDA lessons which can lead to LAMDA exams.

We are extremely lucky to have a very special Chapel in the school grounds. We have Chapel four mornings a week and on Sunday evenings and one of the boys reads the lesson at each of these services. We have two traditional Carol Services at the end of the Michaelmas term and boys are selected to read in those services.

Boys who show particular talent at drama may be entered for scholarships to their senior schools.